At TEC Container, we are proud to announce that we have obtained the prestigious PYME Innovadora Seal, a recognition granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation to small and medium-sized companies that stand out for their innovative nature.

This distinction allows us to take advantage of tax incentives and access new funding opportunities, all thanks to our continuous commitment to innovation.

What is the PYME Innovadora Seal?

The PYME Innovadora Seal is an acknowledgment that distinguishes companies investing in R&D&I (Research, Development, and Innovation) activities. This seal, established by Royal Decree 475/2014, of June 13, facilitates the identification of innovative companies for public contracting and allows them to access favorable environments and growth policies promoted by the Administration.

What Advantages Does the PYME Innovadora Seal Offer to TEC Container?

Having the PYME Innovadora Seal offers several significant advantages that TEC Container can now leverage:

  • Compatibility of Tax Incentives: Thanks to this seal, we can combine bonuses and tax deductions that would otherwise be incompatible:
    • Social Security Bonuses for Research Personnel: A 40% reduction in the common contingencies quota for research personnel.
    • Tax Deductions for R&D&I: Up to 42% on Corporate Tax for R&D investment and up to 12% for Technological Innovation investment.
  • Access to Exclusive Aid and Financing: With the seal, TEC Container can now access specific support programs, such as Innovative Public Procurement (CPI) and ICO Innovation Technology Fund financing lines. These mechanisms are key to promoting business innovation and open up new opportunities for us to develop innovative products and services.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: The PYME Innovadora Seal not only helps us operationally and financially, but it also enhances our brand image. By displaying this seal in our communications and promotional materials, we demonstrate to our customers and partners that we are a company committed to innovation and continuous development.

Requirements Met by TEC Container to Obtain the PYME Innovadora Seal

TEC Container has met the strict criteria established to obtain this seal, which includes:

  • Public Funding for R&D&I Projects: We have received support through public calls from the State Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation Plan, as well as from the CDTI (Center for Industrial Technological Development).
  • Patents and Certifications: We have our own patents in use and have obtained certifications that endorse our innovative character, such as the favorable Binding Motivated Report (IMV).
  • Innovation Certifications: In addition, we have obtained certification as a Young Innovative Company (JEI) under the AENOR EA0043 standard, thus demonstrating our innovation capability.

Process for Renewing the PYME Innovadora Seal

The PYME Innovadora Seal has a limited validity period but can be renewed by continuing to meet the established requirements or obtaining new aid and certifications. At TEC Container, we are committed to continuing to innovate and develop solutions that drive growth for us and our clients.If you would like to learn more about our approach to innovation or explore how our solutions can benefit your company, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you innovate and grow together.