Preventive maintenance is maintenance carried out in advance to prevent the breakdowns and faults in appliances, electronic equipment, vehicles, heavy machinery, etc.
What is Preventive Maintenance:
Preventive maintenance is maintenance carried out in advance to prevent the breakdowns and faults in appliances, electronic equipment, vehicles, heavy machinery, etc.
Preventive maintenance actions include: adjustments, cleaning, analysis, lubrication, calibration, repair, changing parts, among others.
Preventive maintenance is carried out periodically. And it aims to detect errors that may lead to the object under maintenance malfunctioning, thus:
– Avoiding the high costs of repair after a breakdown,
-Reducing the likelihood of unplanned downtime,
-Ensuring that the equipment and installations last longer and
-Improving safety for workers.
Preventive maintenance is divided into:
1-Scheduled maintenance,
2-Predictive maintenance and
3-Corrective maintenance
Scheduled maintenance is characterised by being carried out at a certain time or after a certain mileage, as with cars. Predictive maintenance is carried out by means of a follow-up that determines when the action in question should be carried out.
Corrective maintenance is characterised by correcting or repairing defects in equipment and machinery. It is characterised by the repair of the machine or equipment by replacing the damaged part with another one, thus ensuring that the system works properly again.
Predictive maintenance: it consists of predicting future faults in equipment, automobiles or machinery. Predictive maintenance is carried out when the machinery shows some sign, for example: noise, vibration, temperatures, among others, and by constant monitoring the equipment by the individual who uses it. Predictive maintenance prevents possible errors that call for corrective maintenance.