CE marking is the process by which the manufacturer/importer informs users and authorities that the equipment on sale complies with the mandatory safety legislation and technical requirements of the Member States of the European Union.
The Machinery Directive itself tells us that its objective is to reduce the social cost of the large number of accidents caused directly by using machines, integrating safety into the machine design and manufacture phases and with proper installation and maintenance.
The guide, approved by the Machinery Committee in 2010 for application of this Directive, states that it has two objectives:
- to harmonise the health and safety requirements applicable to machines on the basis of a high degree of health and safety protection and, at the same time; and
- to guarantee the free movement of machines in the EU market.
Member States shall not prohibit, restrict or impede the marketing and/or commissioning in their territory of machinery which complies with this Directive.
As this Directive states, it only sets out the generally-applicable essential health and safety requirements and complements them with a serious of more specific requirements aimed at certain types of machines. To make it easier for manufacturers to pass the test of compliance with these essential requirements and to make it possible to monitor such compliance, it would be desirable to have harmonised rules at the EU level concerning the prevention of risks derived from the design and manufacture of machines. These standards are drawn up by bodies governed by private and shall remain non-binding texts.
CE marking, among other things:
- Must preserve the proportions, the minimum vertical dimension being 5mm.
- Must be placed on the product or its descriptive plate.
- Must be placed such that it is visible, legible and indelible.
- It must be followed by the identification number(s) of the Notified Body(ies) involved where appropriate.
- It must be added at the end of the production control phase.

Before placing a machine on sale and/or commissioning it, the manufacturer must:
a) ensure that it meets relevant essential health and safety requirements
b) ensure that the technical file is available
c) provide, especially, the information necessary, as is the case with instructions.
d) carry out compliance assessment procedures;
e) draw up the CE compliance declaration, and ensure that the declaration is attached to the machine;
f) affix the CE marking
The benefits for the manufacturer of using the CE marking are:
Being able to market their products throughout the EU.
Ensuring equal treatment and preventing discrimination according to country of origin since to obtain the marking, standardised requirements applicable to manufacturers in all countries indistinctly.
Image, prestige and a message to the market that the product is also designed and manufactured according to the highest safety and quality standards.
Benefits for consumers:
- The CE marking offers a clear advantage: being able to trust the products purchased on the market, since having said marking indicates that the product complies with the legal requirements, including those related to safe use.
All products with CE marking must be accompanied by the following documentation:
- Logo/label (CE Marking). It consists of the “CE” logo, which is usually accompanied by certain product information.
- Declaration of Compliance, specifying the basic information regarding the manufacturer, product, applicable legislation and the CE marking.
- Safety instructions and information. The information the user needs to know to properly install and use the product.
- Other documentation that may be requested in each specific directive or regulation.
CE marking at TEC Container:
All lifting products manufactured by TEC Container comply with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
This is true of our Spreaders for BA-350, BA-008 and BA-009 Containers, our BA-030 Overheight Frames as well as all lifting frames and beams such as the BA-110.
It is vitally important to bear in mind that certain machines are expressly excluded from this Directive, including those used to lift people using machines not designed for that purpose, such as the baskets for lifting people both below-the-hook lifting baskets (our BA-164 models) and using a spreader (our BA-185, BA-323 and BA-333 models).
If you would like any further clarification about the products manufactured by TEC Container, do not hesitate to contact us at teccontainer@teccontainer.com or in our contact form.