by Tec Container | Jul 6, 2023 | Tec Container, Interview
Shipbuilding, in general, saw a major decline due to the post-1974 energy crisis; the industry in Spain was still thriving enough to catch the interest of naval engineer Leonardo Moragón. Recognising a need for a lashing provider in the South of Europe, he founded TEC...
by Tec Container | Apr 3, 2018 | Interview
Tec Container lleva más de 40 años innovando y creando nuevas soluciones de elevación de carga portuaria. Todo ello con una plantilla de profesionales altamente cualificados que diseñan cada una de las soluciones y productos. Este progreso no sería posible sin una...
by Tec Container | Feb 8, 2018 | Interview
Parte de la constante evolución en procesos y desarrollos, en la que TEC Container está inmersa desde hace 5 años, está centrada también en la búsqueda de profesionales con alta capacidad de adaptación y visión de futuro. María Enciso, como nueva Directora...
by Tec Container | Oct 13, 2017 | Interview
We continue a series of interviews with our people. A way to get acquainted with the persons who stay behind each and every solution TEC offers. In our next interview we have the pleasure to present you Rafael Moragón – General Manager at TEC CONTAINER,...
by Tec Container | Jul 4, 2017 | Interview
We commence a new series of interviews with our people. A way to get acquainted with the persons who stay behind each and every solution TEC offers. In our next interview we have the pleasure to present you David Arribas – Technical Director Question: To be...