What is the cargo capacity of a ship?

What is the cargo capacity of a ship?

The cargo capacity of a ship can vary widely depending on the type and size of the vessel. Different types of ships are designed for different purposes and have different cargo capacities. Here are some common types of ships and their approximate cargo capacities:...
3D printing parts for commercial ships

3D printing parts for commercial ships

3D printing has come a long way in recent years, and its applications in the commercial shipping industry are growing rapidly. In this article, we will explore the ways in which 3D printing is being used to create parts for boats and vessels, handling equipment and...
Global supply chain crisis in numbers

Global supply chain crisis in numbers

The global supply chain crisis is a widespread disruption in the flow of goods, services and information across the world that started in 2021 and continues till 2023. This crisis was caused by several factors: These factors have led to bottlenecks in the supply...
Types of Merchant Ships

Types of Merchant Ships

Mainly, there are seven different types of merchant ships that you can commonly see on ports around the world. These main types of merchant ships are: General cargo ships, Bulk cargo ships, Crude oil tankers ships, chemical tankers ships, Container ships, Passangers /...